Contact InformationContact Information

    Contact Us

    Call Center

    444 5 478

    08:00 - 00:00

    You can send us any questions, comments and suggestions via the contact form

    Please fill in the requested information completely so that we can provide you with better service.

    The personal data you have provided will be processed as specified in Garenta Ulaşım Çözümleri Anonim Şirketi Customer Privacy Notice

    General Management

    Garenta Ulaşım Çözümleri A.Ş.

    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No:58 Buyaka E Blok Tepeüstü / Ümraniye 34771 İSTANBUL

    P: (0 216) 656 26 00

    F: (0 216) 656 27 02

    E-mail: [email protected]

    MERSIS: 0325003347600014

    Tax No: 3250033476

    KEP Address: [email protected]

    Reservations Center

    For offers and tailor-made solutions including a rich range of all-new vehicles, please contact our Reservations Center at 444 5 478 from 08:00 - 00:00 or send an email to [email protected]

    24/7 Emergency Hotline
    We are there for you whenever you may need help along the way. You can reach our “Emergency Assistance” hotline at 0850 222 5478 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.